Another Lazy Fashion Observation
If This

And This

had a baby. It would look like This!!

and its sister would look like this

And it would cost somewhere around $900
And they would both be worth it.
Thank you Alex Wang for making my Shoe-Porn dreams come true.
Retail Whore,
Shoe Porn
Scenes from the White (Black) House

" You know you lookin' right in that dress..... Girl, I'm the President. I'll make all these fools leave. And we can go right back upstairs and TWERRK IT OUT. "
" BOY, STOP!! "
New Reasons for Living
Hey Snobbers,
So I been semi uninspired of late. And as I'm sure you've noticed haven't posted anything recently. Since I've started this blog, I've encountered a steady stream of supporters/whip-crackers telling me "You need to update your blog" or asking "When are you gonna write something new?"
For anyone who really knows me you know that:
A) I'm lazy
B) This blog is a labour of love...emphasis on labour
C) I'll NEVER blog simply for the sake of blogging.
Blogging for the sake of blogging and, for that matter, doing anything without the true motivation or inspiration produces half-assed shit. And I ain't never been about half-assin' it, except, maybe when it comes to sex.... Just kidding.
As a Cultural Critic, I feel that too often people "create" without possessing any real love for what they do. And without love, there is no respect for the craft. Hence, people will stamp their names on any-old shit-in-a-box and keep it moving.
Well there will be none of that here at Critique de Culture, where we blog with integrity and put our heart and souls into each tiny morsel of hate and snobbery.
With that being said here are my new reasons for living:
For anyone who really knows me you know that:
A) I'm lazy
B) This blog is a labour of love...emphasis on labour
C) I'll NEVER blog simply for the sake of blogging.
Blogging for the sake of blogging and, for that matter, doing anything without the true motivation or inspiration produces half-assed shit. And I ain't never been about half-assin' it, except, maybe when it comes to sex.... Just kidding.
As a Cultural Critic, I feel that too often people "create" without possessing any real love for what they do. And without love, there is no respect for the craft. Hence, people will stamp their names on any-old shit-in-a-box and keep it moving.
Well there will be none of that here at Critique de Culture, where we blog with integrity and put our heart and souls into each tiny morsel of hate and snobbery.
With that being said here are my new reasons for living:
Reason #1
The good folks at the Museum of Modern Art have bestowed on us lucky Brooklynites reproductions of over 50 pieces of art to be plastered all over the Atlantic Ave/Pacific trainstation.
Check out this adorable excerpt from their mission statment:.
"We know you’re moving at warp speed to get from here to there, but take a
breath and take a look. We hope what you see in the station changes the way you
see the world today, if only for a moment. And it’s a reminder that the real
MoMA is only a short ride away."
How amazing is that?!? Now I get to enjoy the works of Kara Walker, Vincent van Gogh, Jackson Pollack, Picasso, and Roy Lichtenstein while I wait for that 2 train that will never come.
Reason #2
This Why You're Fat.com
Dubbed as the place "Where Dreams Become Heart Attacks", this website features the most gluttonus, artery-clogging, bulemia-inducing delicacies to ever grace the earth.
Feast your eyes upon the Bacon Cheeseburger with Chocolate covered Bacon

Gravy Covered Pizza

or the Spaghetti Meatball on a stick

For my Ramen lovers, get into the Romellette, an omlet made with Ramen noodles.

Reason #3
The scaffolds are coming down at Topshop!!

Au revoir Dearie...
Its never too late to enjoy an artist. Even in death this is how their art lives on.
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