
The Opposite of Food Porn

America takes 20 leaps forward by electing a Biracial president...correction a FINE ASS Biracial President

Then a Greenwich Village Bakery takes 5 steps back with the


OMG!! Racists everywhere now have an Official Snack.

I hate that I had to get the video from World Star HipHop.com and FOX 5......two of my sworn enemies. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Roll the tape....

The damn cookie doesn't even look appetizing....but that Dead Goose bread sure is sexy!!

And how is he gonna say that he has asked Black people if they found the cookie offensive?!?!
Did he ask all Black people?!? I'm sorry, I must've missed that knock on my door (I prolly thought he was a Jehovah's Witness).

After careful and repeated screenings of this video, it is beyond the shadow of a doubt that this man is INSANE. His food handler license needs to be revoked and he needs to hauled off to the loony bin.

PS: Did I mention that hes charging $3.50 for his "work of art"..... Just plain ole' crazy.


GRN[pea] said...

This Dude got me finna to hop on that silver bullet to the village.

Im bout to slap a BETCH!

but on the other side, smh. some people will never change. we knew this wouldnt be easy.

NA said...

Seriously, I feel like telling this fool off. You're correct, he's INSANE or simply PLAYING stupid. He knows that damn cookie is offensive. Someone should make a fat, lop-sided, vanilla cookie called it the "Fat Ass Village Baker Cookie"....how bout THAT! lol..